Tuesday, July 31, 2007
George Romero Speaks

Monday, July 30, 2007
RIP: Tom Snyder

Younger ZONErs may not know of Tom Snyder, but I fondly remember staying up late to catch his show during the summer when I was in junior high and high school. At the time, Snyder seemed like no other talk show host on television. His sets were minimal, but his guests and topics more than made up for the lack of showbiz glitz. He was cool, but not hip. Most of all, Snyder seemed like a real guy, not a tv show host. I enjoyed the hours I spent watching his programs and the memories that remain.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and fans.
30 Days Just Got Scarier

Wolfman vs Dracula

The title alone should be enough to get people to pick up the comic. Throw in Frank Frazetta and Steve Niles and you should be guaranteed a winner. Of all of the comics that will be in Frazetta's Universe, this was the one that immediately sprung to mind as the one that I'd want to see... and it seems that Steve Niles feels the same.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
A Real Prison Thriller

It seems that a prison in the Philippines has a program that all inmates enjoy and participate in. I give you the 1,500+ inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines in their version of Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Anyone Going to Stumptown?

Although Rucka has been writing award-winning [Whiteout -- soon to be a major motion picture] and fan favorite comics [Queen & Country, Gotham Central, etc] for some time, it is his five Atticus Kodiac novels [Finder, Keeper, Smoker, Shooting at Midnight, and Critical Space] that put him on my "must buy" list.
Rucka has a new Atticus Kodiac novel, Patriot Acts, coming out next month, but until then, check out his interview at ComicBookResources where you can not only hear Rucka's plans for the series, but check out some of the art as well.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
The Big Heat

Fritz Lang directed stars Glenn Ford and Lee Marvin in screenplay by Sydney Bohem. Lang, Ford, Marvin and Bohem all brought their A-games to this project. Although some don't consider "The Big Heat" a true noir film, no one can deny it's a classic hard-boiled crime drama that deserves a spot in any movie lover's library!
The Big Heat rates an A
Friday, July 27, 2007
Depp Steps into Dark Shadows

Johnny Depp has just signed to play tv's coolest vampire in a movie version of "Dark Shadows". Depp is an excellent choice and here's to hoping that the big-screen versions of Barnabus and "Dark Shadows" live up to the legacy started on the tube.
No One is Safe

Before long The Walking Dead was my favorite comic. After the first six issues, artist Tony Moore left the regular art chores and Charlie Adlard took up the slack. The book remained my favorite regularly published comic.
Each month The Walking Dead was the comic that I most looked forward to reading. From time to time, I'd talk up the series so that ZONErs who'd never heard of it would have a chance to jump on board. Robert [creator of The Walking Dead] Kirkman's interview at Newsarama.com reminded me that I hadn't crowed about The Walking Dead in a while.
So I decided to remedy that with this post.
The Walking Dead Book 1 [Collects the first 12 issues in an affordable hardcover] A+ rating
The Walking Dead Book 2 [Collects the second 12 issues in an affordable hardcover] A+ rating
Frazetta's Universe

"The Silver Warrior" is a four-issue mini-series by Fotos, Nat Jones and Joshua Ortega. One-shots include Rick Remender on Frazetta's "Creatures," "Swamp Demon" written by Joshua Ortega, Steve Niles handling "Dracula Meets The Wolfman," and Mark Kidwell doing the same for "Dark Kingdom."
Rick Remender, Steve Niles and Nat Jones and everything is run by Frank Frazetta for his approval. Yeah, they're doing it right. Check out the full article HERE.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Put 'Em Up Times Six

Okay... here are my six...
6. L.T. Bonham [Tommy Lee Jones] and Aaron Hallam [Benecio Del Toro] in The Hunted. [This fight would have rated higher, but they didn't limit the weapons.] ; )
5. Nada [Roddy Piper] vs. Frank [David Keith] in They Live
4. Chaney [Charles Bronson] vs. Jim Henry [Robert Tessier] in Hard Times
3. A Number 1[Lee Marvin] vs. Shack [Ernest Borgnine] from Emperor of the North
2. Rocky Balboa [Sylvester Stallone] vs. any opponent in Rocky - Rocky Balboa
1. Lee [Bruce Lee] vs. everyone from Enter the Dragon
So what did I forget?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Criminal Love

You'll be glad you did.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
3:10 to Yuma

Monday, July 23, 2007
Mallow-Con Report

Wild Bill Black brought in a bunch of his movies and showed us the latest trailer [which features me, Big John Beatty, James "The James" Howell, and John Higashi in a cameo - where's our IMDB listing?] for "The Ghost of Garganta." Bill also talked about plans for future movies as well as a possible syndicated horror movie package complete with a horror host [the excellent Lon Midnight]!
Big Beatty was sketching away and each one was a winner. He was in the ZONE [and I don't mean this ZONE... although he IS in it as well]. The Punisher sketch below got a lot of attention from fans, but it was the final sketch of the day, a Joker piece, that won the Best Beatty Sketch of the Show Award.
As always, Keith's shows are a lot of fun. His next one is scheduled for late October. If you can make it, you should!

Saturday, July 21, 2007
No Country for Old Men

Llewelyn Moss is out hunting when he comes across a pickup truck surrounded by dead men. In the truck he finds a stash of heroin and two million dollars in cash. Moss takes the money and "sets off a chain reaction of catastrophic violence" that results in more murders and Moss on the run.
The screenplay is by Joel Coen [who also directed] and Ethan Coen. "No Country for Old Men" stars Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin and Woody Harrelson. You can see the full poster HERE and the movie when it opens on November 21, 2007.
Friday, July 20, 2007
More Art from Heroes

Mike did this drawing of Rocky Balboa for his blog [which I read daily and suggest you do as well]. Mike knew about my Stallone art collection and told me it was mine for the asking when I commented about it.
Check out Mike's Blog when you have some time to spend. You'll be amazed and impressed with the amount that he's posted [but his insightful comments will also be part of what brings you back].
My buddy, Andy Smith whipped up this cool rendition of Rocky Balboa. Andy is mostly known for his penciling and inking work for DC and Cross Gen comics. But I like to tell people is that when it comes to dynamic drawing, Andy wrote the book. You see, he truly did. Really! You can check it out HERE! You can also check out Andy's site by clicking HERE. - Craig
Mike Wieringo's drawing of Jack Carter is one of my favorite pieces from this year's Heroes Con. I not only love the look and attitude of the piece, but I was able to watch Mike sketch it!
Mike was selling his latest sketch book and if you bought a copy, Mike threw in a head sketch for free! Talk about a great deal. I was worried that because Stallone isn't a character that Mike had drawn repeatedly, it might be more difficult and therefore he might decline my request. Boy, was I wrong. Mike proceeded to sketch it out in no time and like I said, he really captured the look and attitude of Sly as Jack Carter.
In my previous post, I suggested you check out Mike's Blog. I should have remembered to tell you about where you can buy Mike Wieringo original art. Now you have all the facts and links you need.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Guess Who's Back...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Shatner's Raw Nerve

I gotta tell ya, I'll tune in just to hear Shatner's view on things. So beam me aboard.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Matt Wagner's "Z"

What do you do?... when the company [Dynamite] counters with an offer for the creator [Matt Wagner] to not only provide the covers, but to come on board as the art director for the series and to write the first storyline?
Give up?
Here's what you do: 1] You post the info on your blog with a link to the interview at Newsarama where you learned the info. 2] You post a link to Matt Wagner's website where they can see the full Zorro drawing that he did long before learning about the new gig. 3] You tell your local comic shop owner to keep his eye out for the new Zorro series coming from Dynamite and Matt Wagner and 4] You promise to quit asking so many questions.
I Say Crimeland, You Say Rumble in La Rambla

Unfortunately the mini-series was delayed. When we next heard about Rumble in La Rambla it had turned into a graphic novel with a new name [Crimeland] and a new publisher [Image]. It still had the same story by Felipe Ferreira and Ivan Brandon with art by Rafael Albuquerque. So all things considered, this worked out to an even better deal for us readers!
For those who want to see more, here's A LINK to an exclusive preview presented by the nice folks at ComicBookResources.com.
For those who want to see more, here's A LINK to an exclusive preview presented by the nice folks at ComicBookResources.com.
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007
Death Sentence Trailer

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Return of the Man With No Name

Done correctly, this could be a very cool comic with appeal to everyone from teenagers to retirees. John Beatty [because of his love for the films and not because he's my best friend] would make a great inker on the series. Let's continue the dream and get Mike Zeck to do the covers [and I can't even imagine in a dream that he'd take on the interior art as well]. So who should pencil the series?
Take You Back

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Art from Heroes Con

Sly Stallone by Rick Remender. I've been a fan of Rick's work for years. He's that rare talent that can write and draw and he does both very well. Check out his bio and you'll be amazed at all of the cool things that he's worked on. Check out his site and you'll become a fan [if you're not already]. Now if Rick could just find time to get around to The Last Days of American Crime!
Rambo by Megan Ruiz. Can you believe that Megan just turned 14 and she can already draw like that? Of course her dad is Alberto Ruiz so we know where she gets her talent. Not only can the young lady draw, but she is one of the nicest and most polite people you'll ever meet. It was a true pleasure to get a drawing from her.
Cosmo Carboni by Robin Mitchell. I discovered Robin through Alberto's site and Robin's blog. I dug his art enough to pick up his first art book and was thrilled to get an original sketch from him. Robin has a second art book out and you can get both HERE.
Rocky Balboa by Kyle Baker. Kyle Baker is an amazing talent with a wicked sense of humor, mad drawing skills, storytelling that just sucks you in... let's simplify life and call him a genius. Check out Kyle's site and you'll get a taste of what I'm talking about.
Rocky Balboa by Andrew Robinson. Andrew Robinson is an artist's artist. When he starts to draw or paint, other artists gather round. I met Andrew years ago through my good buddy John Beatty. It was obvious then how much talent Andrew possessed... and he just keeps getting better and better. Andrew will have an art book coming out soon. Save some coin, because it's a "must have" item. Until then, here's a link to his site to hold you over!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Get Funnier [Hopefully]

Despite the fact that "Get Smart" has been well cast with Steve Carell [Maxwell Smart], Anne Hathaway [Agent 99], Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson [Agent 23] and Alan Arkin [The Chief], I'm not convinced that it's going to be a winner. This teaser trailer didn't change my mind [although I did chuckle at "You did underestimate me and the element of surpraaaahhh - "
Monday, July 09, 2007
Trailers From Hell

How about Trailers From Hell? You can go there is you click HERE.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Walk It Out

UFC 73 Summary

The first fight of the night was Heath Herring Vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira. I thought that this would be one of the easiest picks of the night. Although I was correct that Nogueira would win, it wasn't easy. From the start Nogueira had his way, taking Herrring down and peppering him with blows. Herring managed to get to his feet, but it appeared to be just a matter of time since Nogueira was stalking him and landing punches and knees at will. Suddenly Herring landed a wicked head kick and Nogueira was down and nearly out. Herring was too cautious about going to the mat after Nogueira and this gave Nog additional time to slowly stand up. Time ran out before Herring could close the deal.
Round Two started and Nog was still wobbly. Herring, perhaps fearing that Nog was trying to lure him in, elected to stay back and it wasn't until Nog regained composure and started pressing the fight that any real exchanges took place. Nog takes Herring down and lands some punches. Herring gets to his feet and Nog starts stalking him again.
Round Three is more of the same. Nog takes down Herring who escapes and then is stalked by Nog. The fight ends and Noguiera wins a decision. Herring did much better than I would have guessed. In fact he could have won the fight in the first round had he not been overly cautious. That will probably haunt him for quite a while. I do think that Herring's showing was good enough to get him another top fight in the UFC.
Hermes Franca Vs. Sean Sherk was the best fight of the night. It went five full rounds and although Sherk dominated throughout the fight, Franca was never out of it. From the opening it was action with Sherk going in for a takedown and Franca countering with a guillotine choke. Sherk escapes and the fight is on. Each round went pretty much the same way, Sherk would shoot in, Franca would land a huge knee [that would have knocked out most fighters] and Sherk would shake it off and dominate from the top position. Sherk wins a unanimous decision and looks amazing doing it.
Rashad Evans Vs. Tito Ortiz was probably the most anticipated fight of the night. Tito begins with a quick takedown but is unable to do any real damage. Rashad gets up and the two exchange blows without either gaining much. Tito does get cut, but it appears that it's from a fingernail. Round one ends with the nod to Tito.
Round Two is more of them going at each other without either gaining the upperhand. Near the end of the fight Rashad goes in for a takedown and Tito grabs the fence [for the second time] to avoid going down. Tito is penalized a point as Rashad finally gets Tito to the mat. Tito reverses and gets Rashad in a guillotine choke. Although Rashad is in trouble, time runs out. Since Tito lost a point, I call the round even [and later I learn the judges do as well].
Round Three starts and although Tito begins to press the fight, it appears that he's gassed! Late in the round it is obvious that Rashad is in much better condition and he begins to take the fight to Tito. Rashad gets a big takedown and begins raining huge elbows on Tito. Luckily for Tito the bell sounds to end the round which goes to Rashad.
According to my scorecard the fight should end in a draw. I'm wondering if the judges feel the same... but they do and the fight ends in a draw. I'm sure that this will lead to a Ortiz vs Evans II.
Nate Marquardt was a huge underdog against Anderson Silva. I felt that if Marquardt could avoid Silva's knees he would win. I was wrong. Marquardt was able to take Silva down, but couldn't gain enough of an advantage to do much. After they were stood up, Silva clocks Marquardt who immediately tries for a takedown. Silva cracks him again with a right and Marquardt goes down to the mat and the fight is stopped. Silva wins via technical knockout.
UFC 73 provided us with 4 good fights. I don't know who is out there that will beat Sherk or Silva. Herring isn't done in the UFC and Nogueira isn't the invincible warrior that we were led to believe. Neither Tito nor Rashad convinced me that they're ready for a title shot.
Next up is UFC 74 which pits Randy Couture against Gabriel Gonzogna and George St. Piere facing Josh Koscheck on August 25th. You just know we'll be talking about that as the fight date gets closer!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Gone, Baby, Gone

Friday, July 06, 2007
Jim Ivey Honored

I just learned today that Jim has gone up to Washington, DC where he [along with Hy Rosen and Jim Lange] were honored at the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists 50th-anniversary convention. Jim was quoted as saying, "I'm delighted the AAEC is still going." Jim also noted that the organization could also be called the AAPC [American Association of Political Cartoonists] and that he hopes those initials never mean the "American Association of the Politically Correct." Yeah, that's definitely something that Jim would say!
You can read the full article HERE and learn even a bit more HERE. Congrats to Jim! - Craig
Thursday, July 05, 2007
UFC 73 is Stacked

Heath Herring Vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira is the easiest prediction of the night. Herring has lost to Noguerira twice before and I don't think Saturday will be any different. Nogueira will get the win and maybe by knockout.
Hermes Franca Vs. Sean Sherk should be a very good fight... maybe the best of the night. Franca is on an eight fight winning streak and has wicked jiu-jitsu skills. Sherk's conditioning is unmatched... maybe his strength too [pound-for-pound]. Will Sherk's wrestling skills, conditioning and strength be enough to defeat Franca? I think so. I see Sherk retaining his lightweight title by decision win.
Rashad Evans Vs. Tito Ortiz is perhaps the most anticipated fight of the night. It means the world to both fighters. Evans needs a win to keep his undefeated streak alive and to earn him a title shot. Ortiz has to have a victory to show everyone his best days aren't behind him. This is a tough one to call. Evans is undefeated, has excellent wrestling skills and has knocked out his last two opponents. Ortiz is bigger. He's been in the spotlight before. He knows what he needs to do to win. If he can take Evans down, Ortiz could win by stoppage. If he can't Ortiz is in for a long night. I'm going to give the nod [a slight nod] to Ortiz.
Nate Marquardt Vs. Anderson Silva. Another tough one to call. This one's for the middleweight title. Silva destroyed Rich Franklin to win the title when Franklin elected to stand and trade shots. I don't think that Marquardt will follow that example. I'm going to pick an upset here and say Marquardt by decision.
I know that many of you follow UFC and MMA... so have I called it right?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th!

When I was a little kid, the 4th of July was for family and friends to get together for trips to the park [or each others houses] and cookouts. Fireworks were always the capper.
Then when my boys were small we always had family over. My boys would play with their cousins [water fights in the yard, basketball and video games]. We'd grill or BBQ something. And then at night I'd bring out the fireworks. I'd get one of the huge sets from Sam's Club and the kids from the neighborhood would come down to watch the festivities. Once we'd exploded or launched or sparkled everything we'd head in and catch some episodes of The Twilight Zone marathon running on the SciFi channel.
A few years ago, I could tell my fireworks were no longer the highlight of the evening. My niece, nephew and sons were getting older and while they enjoyed getting together Roman candles and sparklers just weren't cutting it. Ah, how time moves on.
At least I still have the Twilight Zone Marathon to look forward to! In fact starting at 7:30pm tonight you can catch six excellent episodes in a row ["The Shelter", "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street", "The Fear", "To Serve Man", "The Invaders" and "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up".]
Have a relaxing day, don't eat to much BBQ and be careful with those fireworks!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Collector's ComicCon Are You "N"?

It's a fun little one day show. Click HERE for all the details. Hope to see you there!
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