I have mixed feelings about this. One one hand, Kurt Russell is still around and in good enough shape to play Plissken again. I'll miss his "Clint Eastwood" delivery as Plissken. On the other mitt, I've always thought a more realistic and gritty Snake Plissken would be very cool. It'll be interesting to see what direction this updated "Escape from New York" will take. The good news is that even if the new version bombs, it won't change one frame of the orginal movie in my collection.
I'm worried. So very worried. I would rather see an older Snake Escaping from Planet Earth than a remake, but hey, I'm just a lowly tracer.
Yeah, Russell and Plissken go together like Hunt and Beatty. Gulp!
This is SACRILEGE!!!!!!!! There is no other Snake Plissken besides Kurt...'cept me.
Yeah James, I was surprised to read that Gerard Butler had beat you out for the role. Must have been some sort of pay-off.
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