Friday, September 01, 2006

Star Trek - Updated and Better?

CBS Paramount has announced that all 79 episodes of the original Star Trek series are being digitally remastered and an updated a CGI makeover before heading into syndication next month. Everything from Kirk's "where no man has gone before" opening to the Enterprise and every "spaceship that passes by" will be recreated using modern computer graphics. But that's not all that's being tweaked..."battle sequences, ship exteriors, galaxy shots and landscapes (which previously came courtesy of matte paintings) will be given more shading, depth and computer-generated authenticity."

I always have mixed feelings about projects like this. On one hand, I like the idea that more [make that younger] people may check out and enjoy the original Star Trek series. On the other hand, it does bother me that they won't be seeing the series as it originally aired. I guess the bottom line is that CBS Paramount owns the rights and can do whatever they want with the property.

I just hope that the original series is always available with the original sound and graphics. And that way I [and everyone] can choose between the versions that they like best.

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