Monday, November 17, 2008

My Choice for "The Prince"

Over at there's a post about a movie that John ["Escape from New York"] Carpenter is trying to put together. It's called "The Prince" and is a crime drama written by Jeremy Passmore. Here's how Passmore describes it:

"It's a bit of a departure. It's definitely more of a very character based crime movie. I don't know what's going on with it right now, but the premise is that this guy was the most [badass] gangster of all time in Las Vegas, and he's left the life and created this whole new world. His wife died but he's raising his kid. He's living in the middle of nowhere and he's this very religious, trying to live a straight life guy. His daughter is now going to school at UCLA and she disappears, and he goes looking for her. The trail leads to Vegas and he has to go get her, and the entire city kind of comes down on top of him."

I don't know about you, but I know who I'd suggest for the title role.

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