Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bronson as You've Never Seen Him

Charles Bronson was my favorite actor for a time. He didn't just play tough guys in movies -- he was one. I thought I'd seen all of Bronson's major starring roles... until I saw THIS and THIS.


Unknown said...

It's like I've always said, why bathe when you can empty a whole bottle of Mandom on yourself? Dang,I love the '70's.

Craig Zablo said...

Chad, Beatty took it to the next level -- he would fill his tub with Mandom and bathe in it! He'd smell of Mandom for about a week... which was a good thing because he took a bath about every 8 days.

Unknown said...

Laaawd have mercy!

Craig Zablo said...

Laawd have mercy and Beatty have Mandom!