Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Britney Files

Bad news for for K-Fed...
veryone knows by now that Britney Spears has filed for divorce.

lmost everyone is speculating as to the reason
hat she would leave him...
here may be another man in her life
ou would think that if that was the case, there would at least be some clues as to his identity!


Anonymous said...

NOT, however...not if they are clueless, on the fact that "The Master" has now officially gone 'southern girl" on us. So puzzling. . .considering his love for other cultures...we just don't know the guy {even if we do} in the pic anymore. *Brittney Beatty*
got a nice ring to it, that's 4 sure. 4 T's are better than two i guess. {dont' gag on the intended un-intended pun} signed, Anonymus HUGGY PRODUCTIONS.

Craig Zablo said...

Beatty... Beatty... why did you guys jump to such a conclusion??

Anonymous said...

Why do I believe this as a possibility ?

Maybe she strooled into a coffee shop and Sketch Society was in full swing. Then with 300 mg of caffiene coursing through his veins, Big John Beatty rushes over, wide eyed as a coke head and says..." Hi I'm John ".


Unknown said...

Daaaaaaaang. I can just see her now all pregnant and swoll up saying, " John, baybee, you wanna nuther fried nanner sammich and a beer?" Ruuuun, John. Ruuuuuuuuuuuun!