Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Christmas Eve Thoughts

As the hour quickly approaches for ole Saint Nick to arrive, I want to tell you a few things before I hustle off to sleep with dreams of what the morning will bring.

JoBlo has the first official pic for "The Riddick Chronicles." I'm really hoping that this one lives up to my expectations.

There aren't many foods that I dislike... except for beets and fruitcake. You can imagine my surprise that anyone likes fruitcake... but why in the world would Jay Leno want to eat a piece that was 125 years old?

Comic artists and comic companies usually send out the coolest Christmas cards.

Neil Vokes has a cool project coming out next year. You can find out about it from the ground floor by clicking [HERE].

Christmas will be upon us in less than an hour. I hope this message finds all ZONErs happy and healthy and surrounded by loved ones. I hope that each of you gets what you most desire or at the very least avoids getting what you don't want.



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