Wednesday, January 14, 2004

The Rock Can Walk

Ok, I admit it. I was wrong.

I thought that The Rock starring in a remake of "Walking Tall" was a bad idea.

The Rock was, pardon the expression, on a roll.

Think about it... great reviews for his small role in "The Mummy Returns." Then a prequel about his character "The Scorpion King." And then The Rock totally wows everyone with the very good and very underrated "The Rundown."

But The Rock starring as a backwater sheriff who carries a two-by-four to fight Southern Mobsters?

No way that could work. Right? Wrong.

The trailer looks good and they've updated and changed the story to fit The Rock. And with his charisma, I think it'll work.

Check out the trailer and let me know...

... am I wrong?

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